Discover your interests
What are you truly interested in?
In this video, the English philosopher Alan Watts asks what you would do if money were not a factor when choosing a career. What decision would you make?
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Accept cookies to watch this YouTube videoLet the video inspire you to formulate your own personal answer to this question. Write down whatever comes to mind. What specific interests do you have, and how do these relate to the career you had in mind?
Seven questions to help you get started
Have a look at these questions, pick several that speak to you and try to answer them as honestly as possible. The answers will inspire your next step, in either your studies or your future career.
- Imagine you are a talented writer. What types of subjects would you write books or articles about?
- Imagine that you are a film director and are asked to make three documentaries. What topics would the films be about?
- Imagine you inherit €1 million from a distant relative on the condition that you start your own business. What kind of products or services would your company sell?
- Imagine you are a lecturer or personal coach. What subjects would you teach?
- Make a note of any interesting subjects you have learned about in your spare time. This might be through hobbies or travel; something you came across on social media; by reading books, newspapers and magazines; or by watching television or listening to the radio.
- Imagine that you were allowed to try someone else’s job for a week. Who and what would you pick?
- Imagine that you could have dinner with a celebrity. Who would it be and why
Discover your motivators
UvA careers coach Elisa Ng presents an exercise to help you discover your motivators. After all, once you know what motivates you and find a job that reflects this, you will find much more enjoyment in your work and will be doing something that corresponds to your passion.