Help for top-level artists and performers
Help for top-level artists and performers
When are you a top-level artist or performer?
You can be designated as a top-level artist or performer by the UvA, if you meet one of the following conditions:
- You exercise your top-level cultural performances within a professional organization that focuses on one of the (performing) arts;
- You practice your art or performances on (inter-)national stages, at festivals, or at art galleries that are well known and renowned.
What support can you expect from us?
1. Academic plan and facilities
The study advisor of your programme can help you draw up an academic plan. Depending on the possibilities of your programme, the study advisor can advise you on optimal coordination between studying and practicing your art or performance. This includes discussions with lecturers about adjusting your curriculum, requesting an extra exam opportunity, or getting the Examinations Board to shift examination dates if they fall within a period of performances. The options in facilitating may differ per faculty and/or study programme, and in principle, may not jeopardise the learning objectives/final terms of the programme.
2. Financial scheme
The UvA Cultural Excellence Scheme offers the possibility to apply for financial support from the Profiling Fund in the event of study delay for a period of a maximum of 6 months per academic year, and a maximum of 12 months during the entire study programme in the form of a gift. The most important conditions to qualify for this support are:
- You have contacted your study advisor and/or student counsellor in good time about the delay that has arisen;
- You have not yet obtained a final doctoral or Master's degree.
You can find more information in the UvA Cultural Excellence Scheme and in the Profiling Fund Regulations, which you can find on the page about the Profiling Fund (General section + pages 8, 9 and 17).
3. Advice on regulations
Your study adviser can explain any relevant university regulations, such as exceptions to the Binding Study Advice (BSA) or financial compensation in the event of study completion delay. To be eligible for this, it is important that you have regular contact during each academic year with your study adviser to discuss your progress.
Do you have questions about the regulations? Are you eligible for a top-level artist or performer status? Then contact student counsellor Marjan Kuiper, coordinator Cultural Excellence, through topcultuurcoordinator-sts@uva.nl.
An application for the status is discussed in the Cultural Excellence committee, which meets once every 8 weeks. The director of CREA chairs the committee.
Do you have questions about the Top-class Athletes Scheme or Cultural Excellence Scheme? Please contact student counselor Marjan Kuiper, coordinator Top-class Athletics and Cultural Excellence. You can send her an e-mail or make an appointment.