What is your study programme?
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What is your study programme?

Report incident or accident

Last modified on 27-11-2024 15:26
Have you seen an unsafe situation, or witnessed an accident, incident or close call? Report it confidentially. We'll investigate the situation and take appropriate measures.
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What is your study programme?

Have all necessary measures been taken to deal with the emergency? Then report the incident. 

Make a report

Track the status of your report

When you report an incident, you'll receive an acknowledgement. If necessary, we'll contract you to ask for additional information. The person dealing with your report, such as an occupational health and safety coordinator, will decide whether further investigation is necessary.

You can track the status of your reportExternal link on ‘Mijn facilitaire meldingen’ (My facility services reports).


Facility Services Service Desk

Facility Services arranges various facilities on campus. For example, you can go there for questions about the student card, reserving rooms or facilities related to events.

Contact details